CBDB ID: 10014
索引/中文/英文名稱: /陳師文/Chen Shiwen
指數年 (index year):
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Chen(1) Shiwen [10014] Compiled (with others), on imperial order, the (Tai ping hui min ) He ji ju fang. According to SKTY, he was Kubu langzhong, Supervisor of the Medical Bureau (Yaoju) at this time. In a 1109 complaint, he is mentioned as being Kubu langzhou and yet his post was only a prefectural tongpan, which was inappropriate (SHY:ZG, 56.29a-30a). In the 9th month, 5th day of that year, he was appointed provisional Jingxi lu yunshi to assisty in administering the huanghou's burial. At that time, he was still Kubu langzhong (SWHY:L, 34.4b). See also Ding Fubao, 482b-486a. The Guest library call number is C116/2799. He is most probably a lineage cousin of Chen Shidao.From Hartwell's ACTIVITY table:1108: Kubu lanzhong, appointed Quan Jingxi yunshi to help administer huanghou burial, & return to capital.

[財政官員](Id: 68)