CBDB ID: 11971
索引/中文/英文名稱: /許A/Xu A
指數年 (index year): 955
指數地址 (index address): 襄邑(Id: 14763)
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 五代(Id: 7)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Xu(4) A [11971] The family genealogies were lost during the chaos of the Five Dynasties and, according to Xu(4) Han (qv.), although some claim noble ancestry this cannot be ascertained for certain. The only thing known for sure was that A was buried in Suixian(b) for the first time. The county is refered to as Xiangling, but 5th generation descendant, Yong (q.v.), was buried in Gong's XIangling, . . . Gong was the name for a prefecture established, from time to time, on the territory of Xiangyi county (modern Suixian(b)).

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 河南道(Id: 14690) / 宋州(Id: 14754) / 襄邑14763
出處: 未知 , 頁0000
遷住地(Id:2):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 河南道(Id: 14690) / 宋州(Id: 14754) / 襄邑14763
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

子(S):  許齊
子(S):  許守英
曾孫; 重孫(SSS):  許C