CBDB ID: 123552
索引/中文/英文名稱: /凌錫祺/Ling Xiqi
指數年 (index year):
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
朝代: 清(Id: 20)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Based on preliminary research using web resources. 凌錫祺 was the author of 尊道先生年譜 (清光緒26年出版). The only information available on the web about him is from http://copies.sinoshu.com/copy1973605/.

尊道先生年譜 著作年代:1900, 角色:未詳。
  :中國書網: http://copies.sinoshu.com/copy1973605/. Republishing information found at Hollis Catalog (http://lms01.harvard.edu/F/5IEYM4RM6N3GUNHG3VEVURBH2LFC1X4L3IATJ7BUYYXC7SGTTT-17709?func=full-set-set&set_number=156633&set_entry=000002&format=999): 北京圖書館藏珍本年譜叢刊 第 69 册, 北京 : 北京圖書館出版社, 1999