CBDB ID: 14525
索引/中文/英文名稱: /陳垓/Chen Gai
指數年 (index year): 1175
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 潁川(ID: 45)
Chen(1) Gai [14525] He once served as Huainan Dong tiju. Fujian TZ, 149.36a. He is identified as both a Minxian jinshi in Fujian TZ and as a Chuzhou, Longchuan jinshi in Zhejiang TZ, 126.26b and as a 6th generation descendant (or collateral descendant according to Sanshan zhi, 31.30a) of Chen Xiang [7005] in CBD. His younger brother Jiong(2) [14528] (q.v.) (a grandson of He) is also listed as a Minxian and as a Lishui county jinshi. A Chen Xuan(3) [14545] is also identified as a 6th generation descendant of Xiang in CBD (as a Minxian resident), and he is listed as a Chuzhou, Lishui county 1223 jinshi in Zhejiang TZ, 127.19a, but he is also listed as a Minxian jinshi for the same year and is identified as a son of Chen Daheng. Fujian TZ, 149.51b. I can find no Fuzhou Daheng and therefore identify Xuan and Rong(3) [14544] as nephews of Bing(3) [14520] (as indicated in sources). Chen Rong, jinshi in 1205 in the same sitting as Gai, is also listed in both Fujian TZ, 149.36a as a son of Daheng and in Zhejiang TZ, 126.33b as a Longchuan jinshi and in Sanshan zhi, 31.30a as a elder cousin of Gai. Gai's wife, born Zhou, is buried in Lishui, home of her father, Zhou(1) Mengxiang [14543]. My guess is that Gai moved to Longchuan as the result of an uxorilocal marriage and his cousins Rong and Xuan moved with him. Xuan then moved to Lishui with his cousin and Gai's younger brother Jiong. I am, therefore recording Gai as moving to Longchuan, Rong as a Longchuan resident cousin and Xuan as a Longchuan resident nephew, who moved to Lishui and Jiong as a Lishui county resident. It is certain that Xuan and Rong were brothers and that they, along with Gai, were 6th generation collateral descendants of Xiang. Chen Po [14546], a 1247 Lishui jinshi with the same generational name as Gai and Jiong, is the first member of this group of kin who is only listed as a Lishui county jinshi. Ye Shi, WJ, 23.453 (wife, born Zhou, who died in 1219 at age 40). CBD, 3, 2457-58.

宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(Id: 7596), 頁13616
中國哲學書電子化計劃 (ctext)(Id: 66734), 頁416747

別名: 字(Id:4)漫翁。

另一籍貫(基本地址)(Id:14):  福州(Id: 13868) / 閩縣13869
出處: 宋人傳記資料索引(電子版) , 頁13616
籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  龍泉100673
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

入仕門 進士類(Id:040101)
入仕別 科舉: 進士(籠統)(Id:36)
出處:宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)  頁13616

 ▪ 正授 路提點刑獄公事 地點: 淮南東路。起始年: 。 終止年: 未詳。
 ▪ 正授 知某州軍州事 地點: 泰州。起始年: 之間1226。 終止年: 之間1228(未詳)。
:LZLMasterFileLineID 9555
 ▪ 正授 知某州軍州事 地點: 泰州。起始年: 之間1232。 終止年: 之間1234(未詳)。
:LZLMasterFileLineID 9559
 ▪ 正授 知某州軍州事 地點: 泰州。起始年: 之間1239。 終止年: 之間1241(未詳)。
:LZLMasterFileLineID 9563
 ▪ 正授 知某州軍州事 地點: 泰州。起始年: 之間1246。 終止年: 之間1247(未詳)。
:LZLMasterFileLineID 9567

[財政官員](Id: 68)

弟(B-):  陳垌
六世祖;太祖(G-6):  陳襄   出處:宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(頁13616)。
族兄弟(K(male)):  陳坡
子(S):  陳煥
妻子(W):  周氏(陳垓妻)   出處:宋人傳記資料索引(電子版)(頁13616;13617)。
岳父(WF):  周夢祥

祭文由Y所作:  葉適  (1235)
墓誌銘由Y所作:  葉適  (1235)
書跋由Y所作:  葉適  【陳漫翁祭器述 / 水心文集】