CBDB ID: 19856
索引/中文/英文名稱: /李約/Li Yue
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Li(2) Yue [19856] See documentation for father, Xiang(2) [19657]. CBD does not include, but he was prefect of Guangzhou in 1231-2 according to the NanSong index to military circuit intendents (p. 58). Guangdong TZ, 16.10a, 13b.From Hartwell's ACTIVITY table:1226: In office as Tiju Guangnan Dong shibo1228: Apt. Guangnan Dong yunpan1231: Apt. prefect of Guangzhou.

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 兩浙西路(Id: 12669) / 常州(Id: 12721) / 無錫12724
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

[財政官員](Id: 68)

父(F):  李祥