CBDB ID: 20191
索引/中文/英文名稱: /林某/Lin Mou
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Lin(1) G [20191] His son, Xun(3) [20192] (q.v.), has the same phonetic element in his mingzi as one of Guojun's [20188] (q.v.) grandsons, which also fits with a chronology which would make G a son of Guojun. Lin(1) Yizhi [11073] was junior to Xun(3), which probably means that Xun(3) was an older lineage cousin. G and Xun(3) came from a lineage, whose first famous member held the title, Guozi siye, which was a title held by Lin(1) Guangchao [10612], documented lineage nephew of Guojun. I am, therefore, identifying G as a son of Guojun and Yizhi as a lineage nephew of Guangchao. Lin Yizhi, WJ, 4.91-10b (wife, born Zheng, who died in 1181 at age 86--thirty nine years after the death of G).

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  泉州(Id: 13902) / 莆田100531
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

入仕門 特旨門(Id:13)
入仕別 封贈(Id:94)

未仕而卒(Id: 24)

父(F):  林國鈞
子(S):  林詢
妻子(W):  鄭氏(林詢母)
岳父(WF):  鄭J

墓誌銘由Y所作:  林亦之  (1142)