CBDB ID: 20247
索引/中文/英文名稱: /趙子堅/Zhao Zijian
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 宋太祖(ID: 18)
Zhao(1) Zijian [20247] Zhen(1) Dexiu, in his funerary inscription for Zijian's great grandson, Xiyi(3) [20250] (q.v.), traces ancestry to Zhao(1) Dezhao [3214]. There are several Zijian in the imperial genealogical tables, none with male descendants. There are also entries with the mingzi of Zijian's son, Boren [20248], but none with correct descendants. For whatever reason, this family seems to have been omitted from the imperial genealogy. Zhao(1) Xiyi(3) was buried in Suzhou, but is recorded as a Qingtian county jinshi and his second son, Yuqin [20252] is listed both as a Qingtian and Wuxian jinshi. Xiyi(3)'s eldest son, Yuzhe [20251], is listed as a Qingtian jinshi, but is not included in the Suzhou jinshi list. His youngest son, Yusong(?) [20253], is also listed as a Qingtian jinshi in Zhejiang TZ, but as a Huzhou resident in CBD (based on SS biography). I am assuming that the family moved to Qingtian at the beginning of the Southern Song, that Xiyi(3) and son, Yuqin, moved to Suzhou, Yuzhe remained in Qingtian and Yusong? moved from Qingtian to Huzhou. Yusong?'s sons, Mengkui [20254] and Mengzhi [20255], are both identified in CBD as Huzhou residents, but Mengzhi and probable cousins, Menggou [20256] and Mengqi [20257], are all listed in Zhejiang TZ as Chuzhou, Jinyun county residents. I am assuming that Mengzhi moved back to Chuzhou, but to Jinyun, where his cousins lived, rather than Qingtian county.

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 兩浙東路(Id: 12753) / 處州(Id: 12810) / 青田12821
出處: 未知 , 頁0000
遷住地(Id:2):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 兩浙東路(Id: 12753) / 處州(Id: 12810) / 青田12821
出處: 未知 , 頁0000
前住地(Id:3):  開封100658
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

入仕門 血親門(Id:02)
入仕別 宗子該恩(Id:74)

 ▪ 贈 太子少保 起始年: 。 終止年: 。 未詳。
 ▪ 任 左班殿直 起始年: 。 終止年: 。 未詳。

[武官](Id: 61)

六世祖;太祖(G-6):  趙德昭
子(S):  趙伯仁
曾孫; 重孫(SSS):  趙希愉   出處:麗水宋元墓誌集録(頁147)。
妻子(W):  周氏(趙子堅妻)   出處:麗水宋元墓誌集録(頁147)。