CBDB ID: 22765
索引/中文/英文名稱: /應A/Ying A
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Ying(1) A [22765] This lineage presents an interesting problem. Ying(1) Shunchen [2079] was the first Song Xinzhou, Guiqi county jinshi in 1046. He is also listed as a Wuzhou, Jinhua county jinshi in 1046. The next two Guiqi jinshi in 1053, Yu [22768] and Gan [22773], are respectively also listed as Chuzhou, Lishui and Shaoxing, Shaoxing county jinshi in 1053. Ying(1) Shi [22774], Guiqi county jinshi in 1073 is also listed as a Lishui county jinshi in 1073. Ying(1) Guan [22780], 1115 Guiqi county jinshi in 1115 is also listed (with different radical in mingzi, but clearly the same person) as a Taizhou, Xianju county jinshi in 1115. Finally, Ying(1) Wu [22778], Guiqi county jinshi in 1187 is also listed as a Taizhou, Linhai county jinshi in 1187 and as a son of Yang [22777], Linhai county jinshi in 1160, who is not listed as a Guiqi county jinshi. There were, of course, a number of Guiqi county Ying jinshi, who do not appear on other lists. Since, with exception of Linhai Ying(1) Yang's son, Wu, there were no Ying reported as jinshi before the Guiqi county descendant of a probable migrant, the only conclusion is that all these Ying had a common Guiqi county ancestor, either they moved, or more probably a forebear in a previous generation moved, and that the Jiangxi TZ identification as Guiqi residents is anachronistic. I am identifiying Ying(1) A as lineage kin of an earlier generation for each of the branches that settled elsewhere, thereby linking them to a common lineage. Guiqi county residents and Yu, the only Shaoxing county jinshi, and Shunchen, the only Jinhua county jinshi as members of branch 'a.' The Lishui county Ying, probable kin of Gan and Shi, both simultaneously identified as Guiqi jinshi, are identified as branch 'b.' Both Taizhou Ying were probably descended from the same migrant, but I identify the Linhai Ying as branch 'c,' and the Xianju Ying as branch 'd.'

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 江南東路(Id: 12824) / 信州(Id: 12883) / 貴溪12888
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

同族晚輩(K+n):  應舜臣
同族晚輩(K+n):  應瑜
同族晚輩(K+n):  應彬
同族晚輩(K+n):  應確
同族晚輩(K+n):  應選
同族晚輩(K+n):  應元袞
同族晚輩(K+n):  應敢
同族晚輩(K+n):  應灌
同族晚輩(K+n):  應昭式
同族晚輩(K+n):  應昭若
同族長輩(K-n):  應楊