CBDB ID: 25301
索引/中文/英文名稱: /馮正雅/Feng Zhengya
指數年 (index year): 1039
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 宋(Id: 15)
為女性: 0
郡望: 始平(ID: 59)
Feng(4) Zhengya [25301] In 1100, he presented a memorial that resulted in his name being inscribed on the Yuanfu coalition stele. He is not listed in extant sources on this stele, but his name may have been obscured by the time of later studies or the stele itself may have been carved again at a later date. His brother, Zhengqing [25302], was also entered. Sichuan TZ, 122.19b writes that he earned a facilitated degree, but this does not make chronological sense and probably represents a mixup with his brother, Zhengfu [25303], who did earn a facilitated degree in 1076, but is entered in the Sichuan TZ jinshi list as having earned a regular degree. The funerary inscription for his grandson, Zi(2) [25306] (q.v.), records that he earned a mingjing degree. SongYuan xuean, 2.39.

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  宋朝(Id: 10989) / 峽路(Id: 18933) / 遂州(Id: 13443) / 小溪13446
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

[為官者:文](Id: 40)

弟(B-):  馮正卿
父(F):  馮堯民
子(S):  馮芝