CBDB ID: 3292
索引/中文/英文名稱: /方廷範/Fang Tingfan
指數年 (index year): 910
指數地址 (index address): 莆田(Id: 16035)
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 五代(Id: 7)
為女性: 0
郡望: 歙郡(ID: 62)
Fang(1) Tingfan [3292] Fang Dacong, 35.3a; Liu Kezhuang, WJ, 166.6a. The ancestry is slightly confused. According to Lin(1) Guangchao's [10612] funerary inscription for descendant, Gang [11255] (q.v.), Tingfan held posts as county magistrate of Changle, Youqi and Gutian counties and had six sons, all of whom became illustrious. Guangchao only names #6, Renzai, who was the grandfather of Shenyan [600]. Liu Kezhuang, WJ, 149.1a names Bishu shaojian Renyue as a son whose descendants were particularly illustrious. Shaojian is the office held, according to Lin(1) Guangchao, by Tingfan's son #2. The biographical data cited in CBD for Yi [3297], Shenyan's [600] uncle and Songqing's [7110] 6th generation ancestor, has the lineage originally Shejun people and Yi's grandfather, which would seem to be Tingfan, moving to Putian. Fang(1) Dacong [11328] also has Tingfan moving to Putian. Liu Kezhuang, however, in his funerary inscription for Fang(1) Xinru [7029], Songqing's #2 son, has an ancestor, Shu [16988], moving from Gushi county to Putian and the six sons of Tingfan all being illustrious and Xinru being the 8th generation descendant of one of these sons, Renyue [16989]. In Liu Kezhuang, WJ, 149.1a, Tingfan is identified as a father of Renyue, who was the #2 son of Tingfan, whereas Renzai was the #6 son of Tingfan (or Tingfan). A Shejun origin would make the lineage descendants of Hong [16931] (-200) and originally Yanzhou residents, whereas the other version would make them Henan Fang and new to Southeast China with the fall of Tang. For the time being, I am accepting the Shejun origin, but identifying a great grandfather of Tingfan, Shu, as the person who moved from Yanzhou, Chunan county to Putian at end of Tang. Renyue was the #2 son of Tingfan and father of Yi and Yi the grandfather of Zao(2) [16990], the great grandfather of Songqing. Using my standard for counting generations, the result is consistent with the sources except, of course, for the geographical origin of the lineage. The probable answer would seem to be that Shu moved to Fujian, whereas Tingfan moved to Putian.

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 江南道(Id: 15740) / 泉州(Id: 16032) / 莆田16035
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

曾祖(FFF):  方淑
次子(S2):  方仁岳
五子(S5):  方仁達
六子(S6):  方仁載