CBDB ID: 3937
索引/中文/英文名稱: /王潮/Wang Chao(2)
指數年 (index year): 0
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 閩國(Id: 12)
為女性: 0
郡望: 【未詳】(ID: 0)
Wang(2) Chao(2) [3937] In 880, Wang(2) Xu (not in dataset) and his bandit band captured Huangzhou and pressed the powerful and distinguished residents into his army. Gushi county resident Wang(2) Chao was made a commander and w/Xu lead the army to Quanzhou, Nanan county. Xu was assasinated after learning of his plans to kill many of the prominent people, who then made Chao their ruler. Chao returned to Tang authority and revived scholarship and encouraged agriculture in Min. In ca. 892, Chao was made military governor of Fujian. (This all from Renming Da cidian--check sources later).

前住地(Id:3):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 河南道(Id: 14690) / 光州(Id: 14870) / 固始14873
出處: 未知 , 頁0000
籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 江南道(Id: 15740) / 泉州(Id: 16032) / 南安16034
出處: 未知 , 頁0000
遷住地(Id:2):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 江南道(Id: 15740) / 泉州(Id: 16032) / 南安16034
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

[為官者:文](Id: 40)

弟(B-):  王審知
弟(B-):  王審邽
從子;姪子(BS):  王延嗣
族子(K+1(male)):  王彥英

拒絕在Y的主政期出仕:  劉隨
拒絕在Y的主政期出仕:  劉陶
同僚:  潘B  (893)
辟:  楊式  (893)