CBDB ID: 575382
索引/中文/英文名稱: /閻光度/Yan Guangdu
指數年 (index year): 903
指數地址 (index address): (Id: )
生年: (Id: )
卒年: (Id: )
享年: 69
朝代: 五代(Id: 7)
為女性: 0
2024.01.19 Notes (on the name Yan Guangyuan or Yan Guangdu): The epitaph Gao Shi (Wife of Zhang Di) (575374) said that Yan Xiang (575372) had a son named Guangyuan who served in the Hanlin Academy. Guangdu was not mentioned, despite he served in the Academy since the 920s. Guangyuan did the calligraphy for Shi Kuanghan (573427)'s funerary stele script in 943, his official title at the time was found to be the same as Guangdu in 945 as seen in Guangdu's own epitaph (朝散大夫 、太府卿). Therefore, there is a high possibility that Guangyuan and Guangdu were the same person. It is suspected that Guangyuan changed the last character of his name from \"Yuan\" to \"Du\" when Liu Zhiyuan created Later Han and became Emperor. As the funerary stele script of Shi and the epitaph of Mrs Zhang was completed before the creation of Later Han, the name \"yuan\" remained. Later works, such as Guangdu's epitaph, \"Du\" was used instead.

全唐文(Id: 2470), 頁唐故渤海縣太君高氏(張滌妻)墓誌銘
金石萃編(Id: 2274), 頁義成軍節度使贈太保史匡翰碑
宋代墓誌輯釋(Id: 66558), 頁閻光度墓誌

別名: 字(Id:4)景融,别名、曾用名(Id:3)閻光遠。

父(F):  閻湘   出處:宋代墓誌輯釋(頁閻光度墓誌)。

為Y之神道碑作書:  史匡翰  【義成軍節度使贈太保史匡翰碑】