CBDB ID: 20381 |
索引/中文/英文名稱: /劉發/Liu Fa |
指數年 (index year): 0 |
指數地址 (index address): 長安(Id: 14493)
未詳(Id: 0)
未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0 |
朝代: 西漢(Id: 29) |
為女性: 0 |
郡望: 彭城(ID: 17)
註: |
Liu(2) Fa [20381] Tenth son of Jingdi (Liu(2) Qi(3) [16625]), he was enfeoffed as the Changsha Dingwang. A son became the founder of the Nanyang Liu(2) and I am assuming that other sons and their descendants were also considered as Nanyang Liu. See QHS, 14.15b; Zhou Jiayou, 1.60-61; Renming Da cidian, p. 1471 and documentation for descendant, Jiming [20393]. |
出處: |
中國哲學書電子化計劃 (ctext)(Id: 66734), 頁183255 |
地理資訊: |
籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1): |
唐朝(Id: 14488) / 關內道(Id: 14489) / 京兆府(Id: 14490) / 長安14493
出處: 未知 |
, 頁0000 |
註: |
入仕: |
入仕門: |
入仕別: |
封土建藩(始封)(Id:21) |
出處:未知 |
頁 |