CBDB ID: 20606
索引/中文/英文名稱: /孫堅/Sun Jian(4)
指數年 (index year): 0
指數地址 (index address): 富陽(Id: 15770)
生年: 未詳(Id: 0)
卒年: 未詳(Id: 0)
享年: 0
朝代: 東漢(Id: 25)
為女性: 0
郡望: 富春(ID: 104)
Sun(1) Jian(4) [20606] The Sun(1) of Fuchun (Song Fuyang) were descended from a descendant of Sun(1) Wu (Sunzi) [20607], who became a general in Wu. Although Sun(1) Wu was a Taiyuan Sun(1) and Fuchun is not a Sun(1) choronym, The Song dynasty Sun(1), who claim distant or immediate ancestry of Fuchun residents were clearly claiming descent from the lineage that ruled the Three Kingdoms, Kingdom of Wu. I am, therefore, treating Jian(4) and his immediate descendants as Fuchun Sun(1) as well as Song dynasty Sun(1), who claim Fuchun ancestry. However, I will only link directly to the rulers of Wu those Song dynasty Sun(1) who make this claim, just as is done in all other cases of claims to a choronym without genealogical links. Jian(4) was father of Sun(1) Quan [20609], founder of the Three Kingdoms' state of Wu. Giles, pp. 687-8.

中國哲學書電子化計劃 (ctext)(Id: 66734), 頁364563

籍貫(基本地址)(Id:1):  唐朝(Id: 14488) / 江南道(Id: 15740) / 杭州(Id: 15766) / 富陽15770
出處: 未知 , 頁0000

入仕門 徵召門(Id:07)
入仕別 徵辟(Id:14)

胥吏(Id: 13)
[為官者:文](Id: 40)

女兒(D):  孫氏(徐琨母)   出處:明清婦女著作數據庫(頁MQWW PoetID #3207)。
直系後裔(G+n):  孫師睦
直系祖先(G-n):  孫騏
同族晚輩(K+n):  孫繼先
子(S):  孫權
子(S):  孫峻
長子; 第一子(S1):  孫策